Episode 67: Is a Spring Thaw Underway (Not Just the Weather)?
Aired on March 8, 2021
Things are starting to look up with rising TSA screening numbers, airplane orders, and more signs of people eager to fly again. Topics discussed:
We kick off Women's History Month remembering Amelia Earhart
Singapore Airlines will test IATA's Travel Pass mobile app verifying COVID19 tests
If you can't beat em, use em to bring you passengers. Lufthansa joins with Deustche Bahn trains to connect customers with flights from Frankfurt
Some states are lifting mask mandates. Will this open a can of worms at airports?
Airines are taking the lead in getting their employees vaccinated
A flight attendant prevents a plane from taking off with ice-covered wings
Past airline CEO's give their outlook on the aviation industry. We look at their predictions from our perspective of being employees and customers
Our ops topic is tow bar shear pin breaks on pushback. Spoiler alert - we might get a little nerdy on this