Boarding Pass 057: SeaTac, MRJ, and 2021 Predictions
Isaac Alexander with the Mitsubishi Space Jet
Aired on December 28, 2020
BoardingPass 57 is live with VIP Guest Isaac Alexander, Editor in Chief of aviation and space news outlet Jet City Star. We get Isaac's in depth analysis of Mitsubishi's MRJ90 Space Jet program and his overview of SeaTac airport. Isaac makes some bold 2021 predictions with us.
Other topics on this episode
- Alaska 737 Max order
- Canada no-mask fines
- Congress approves $15 billion in aid for the airlines…but will it be in time?
Join the conversation!
Doug and Drew plan to attend Isaac's BBQ on Saturday July 31, 2021. Come join the fun and conversation!*
*COVID19 travel guidelines are in effect and we are asking you to make your own judgment. Be safe.